A Couple of Writing Milestones

This year I’ve been blessed with the opportunity of being published in a couple of places, outside of my own blog. Don’t get me wrong, I get tons of fulfillment from blogging and cherish everyone who reads my articles here on Trails of Life. I started this blog to promote a novel I self-published back in 2011. But the blog has become more than that, providing me another ministry outlet, built on a passion God has given me. Writing and blogging can now be an effective ministry for many of us. It can also help us hone our craft and learn how people respond to our writing.

Technology has so transformed the writing community in our age. It has given us the ability to get our writing out there without having to wait eons to be selected.

But still, it’s a great feeling to have other publications recognize our work. My blogging frequency has slowed down a great deal in recent months, but I continue to write short stories and articles for submission to magazines or contests. And I’m happy to say, it’s finally paid off.


One of my inspirational articles, God In My Boat, was recently published in a sportsman’s magazine called The Sixthday Sportsmen (pictured above). In exchange for giving them the article, they will provide me an annual subscription to the magazine.


Earlier in the year I entered The Story short-short story contest sponsored by Family Fiction Magazine. One of my stories placed in the top 50 stories. My story is called But It Worked For King Solomon, and it’s a retelling of Solomon’s story about the dispute between two women over a baby. My story takes place in the Appalachian Hills of North Georgia and the dispute is over a redbone puppy.

I just want to say thanks to all my readers and a Merry Christmas! I know that many of you are writers, so I hope this post will be an encouragement. Don’t ever give up on sharing your gift with the world!

Thanks for reading, and please share your own writing milestones in the comments field below.

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