
trails of life blog
Why I Blog?

I don’t claim to be an expert on life or on counseling others, but a fellow traveler on the trails of life. Life is like a trail, with its peaks and valleys, its unexpected turns, its smooth and rocky terrain, its change of scenes and seasons, its wonders and its wanderings. It never seems to end, and I’m excited to see what lies over the next hill. So join with me as we explore this life together, and as we meet adventures and challenges along the way.

Probably the best Bible verse to define this blog is Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12:

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

I want to walk through this life with you. Sometimes behind you, sometimes ahead, but most of the time–beside you. Like iron sharpens iron, we can all learn from and encourage each other.

I encourage everyone to be involved with community. First with your church or small group, because we really need that face-to-face interaction and accountability. But please consider this blog an extension of your immediate community. And, who knows, maybe some of us will become friends and meet each other face-to-face in the future.

Here are the primary areas I focus on:

Spiritual Growth and Personal Development-living up to our God-given potential.
Creative Writing – I enjoy entertaining and educating others through writing.
Influencing others through our leadership and creativity – God makes us all unique. Let’s help each other achieve more in life.
Leading and loving our families – Whatever we do or wherever we go, our families need to come first. Let’s help each other be better parents, sons and daughters.
Enjoying the outdoors and being a good steward – The outdoors continues to inspire me, and it teaches important life lessons.

I will discuss a variety of topics on this blog, but the main thread will be about community and spiritual growth. I hope that we can make a connection and find some things in common. Please jump into the discussion anytime.

Who Am I?

I am a Christ-follower, an engineer by trade, a part-time writer, an author and an outdoorsmen. I’m just an ordinary guy. No theology degrees, no special credentials. I enjoy flexing my creativity through writing, blogging and arts & crafts. I look forward to hearing your opinions and seeking your perspective. Please come walk with us as we head down the trail.

Thank you for visiting this blog!

20 Responses to About

  1. pastorjeffcma says:

    I had to chuckle when I read your blog in terms of some connections. I have known Kent for some time. Some friends in my church who love the movie “The Ghost in the Darkness” decided to show it to us–not exactly our kind of film however. I love kayaking and have done a bit of whitewater canoeing. So I’ve enjoyed what I have read so far.

  2. Thanks for the comments. Yeah, I’m still trying to better define my audience, but I know there are several Christians who love the outdoors and that has become my theme. I hope to add more articles on Kayaking, and I also offer a free article on some outdoor trips I’ve made with my family and scouts. I will also be adding free Bible study material in the near future. Thanks for checking it out.

  3. Costa says:

    A truly unique website/blog. Thanks for using your gifts for the glory of God.

  4. God bless your adventures for with Jesus, your latest post, and your mention of fire reminds me of one I wrote on my own site, please have a peek when you get a chance:

    http://kingtalk.wordpress.com/2011/05/04/article-on-revival-with-excerpts-from-interviews-with-nicky-gumble-michael-green-and-reinhard-bonnke/ it reminds me of my

    May the Holy Spirit fill you with fearless fire for evangelism dear brother


  5. inmissouri says:

    I’m a Boy Scout in Missouri, and I love the outdoors, too. I think your blog is great! You have lots of relevant information in it.

  6. I am Gerry says:

    I created my blog primarily to express my thoughts and let the world know about it. I never expected to come along people who are Christians and talk about their Christian life. I’m glad I came across your page. I will come back for more.

  7. Great blog. So glad to find it. Pretty different from most everything I have seen out here in blogland. I look forward to reading! And to the dog in the Auburn collar, War Eagle!

    • Thanks for checking out my blog! My wife is an Auburn grad, so I will probably be making our other dog an Auburn collar. I tried this one time, but she told me I had the wrong shade of blue 🙂

  8. You probably had florida blue…just be sure to stay way from Tennessee orange!

  9. Hey Scott,

    I’m Justin of MomentMatters.com. I’m excited to inform you that Moment Matters is re-launching with new features and design!

    Along with it, I’m compiling a free e-book about the Greatest Articles and I’m featuring excellent comments. Your thought in “And so You Believe” is a standout! I’m asking permission if I could include your words in the book?

    All the best,
    Justin G. Bautista

  10. Thank you for following my blog. I liked the sentiments and observations in your Hiker poem. Glad you are following me now too!

    • Thanks, Sarah! I appreciate you reading my blog and liking the Hiker’s Prayer. I look forward to reading more of you posts.

      • Thanks! You have a unique focus on your blog. I think many Christian men would find it inspiring. I was at a writer’s workshop in July and the teachers said men’s devotionals are in demand now. You might want to check that out if you consider getting published someday. I was drawn to your poetry and nature observations. Will be back again soon!

  11. Very impressed that you follow our Lord Jesus Christ and are living life to glorify Him. May your relationship continue to grow and may Holy Spirit guide you in all your decisions.

    Take care & God bless you and your family!

    Theresa <

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