I Am Thankful


Thanksgiving gives us time to pause and count the many blessings that are already ours. Why don’t we take time to do this each and every day? The old exhortation to count your blessings is wisdom for all the generations, for all people walking around on the thin crust of earth. Join with me in a spirit of thanksgiving, and I pray that God continues to richly bless your life.

  • I am thankful for a gracious and merciful God who loves me with a love beyond words. You are my hope and refuge. I am yours and you are mine.
  • I am thankful for a wife who has stayed by my side for 23 years. She is the love of my life, my partner and my friend. Her faith and genuiness have inspired me. God has created something really, really good!
  • I am thankful for 2 wonderful kids who aren’t kids anymore. They continue to surprise me with their abilities and their capacity to love others. I am so proud of them. The world will be a better place because of them.
  • I am thankful for my mom and dad who modeled a christian marriage and life before me. They always provided and never once used the “D” word — divorce. Their life and work have built a foundation that will not crumble with the pressures and eroding forces of this world.
  • I am thankful for an aunt and uncle who have always been there for me. They too model the christian way. They’re love and support have always been genuine and in generous supply.
  • I am thankful for cousins, nieces, nephews, in-laws, coworkers, and friends who have been a gift in my life. These are the precious armies who continue to shape, stretch, and enrich my life.
  • I am thankful for my company and the way it has provided for my family. It has given me a way to contribute and be productive in this world. This too is a ministry and calling.
  • I am thankful for a church and pastors committed to discipling others and spreading the good news of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. What would my life be without a purpose and a well-defined mission?
  • I am thankful for a nation where I can live free and can pursue my dreams without fear or real persecution. Though not perfect, I don’t believe there’s another nation where a person can pursue liberty and opportunity to such a full extent.
  • I am thankful for my being and how God is recreating my life with a better capacity to choose good over evil, love over hate, peace over war. My life is not lived in vain, and I will pursue the blessings and opportunities God richly supplies.
  • I am thankful for ….

I could drone on and on over all I’m thankful about. I know you may be thinking this post is all about me, but I hope you see that we have so much in common.

Feel free to take a minute and share what you’re thankful about. If you don’t want to do that here, then I strongly encourage you to write it down somewhere or, better yet, share it with the dear people who are a blessing in your life.

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